Importing the SDK

The IMS SDK for iOS is a collection of Connected Car frameworks written in Swift.

Component Libraries

The IMS SDK consists frameworks as listed below:

  • Common: Core framework required by all other frameworks.

  • Portal: Perform interactions with web services, such as fetching resources and presenting them as native objects.

  • Gateway: Uploads data, like trips and logs to the mobile gateway.

  • Trip Detection: Detects and records trips from the mobile device.

  • Trip Detection Umbrella: Manages the flow of data between Trip Detection and the Gateway, and automates uploading of debug log files.

  • Distracted Driving: Add-on for providing distracted driving-related events while trip recording.

  • IMSPermissions: Responsible for addressing the permissions of the device sensors (i.e. Location, Motion, Bluetooth, and Push notifications).

  • Primitives: Used for storing general files that are used throughout the SDK project.

  • IMSInterfaces: Used for storing general protocols that are used throughout the SDK project.

  • Devices: Contains device-related capabilities that offer a few functionalities like connecting, start/stop detecting, associating/disassociating, scanning, etc.

  • IMSBluetooth: This only contains the Bluetooth permission provider, used for grabbing the Bluetooth authorization status.

  • IMSAppMisuse: Beta version of new AppMisuse sender for automated app status tracking. Please contact IMS if you would like to use this feature.

NOTE: Each component has a specific task to perform. Splitting the SDK into these components ensures each task is encapsulated and can be used independently from each other. Consumers could, in theory, implement a combination of TripDetection and Gateway without the integration of TripDetectionUmbrella should that component not fit their specific needs. That said, TripDetectionUmbrella is designed to just work for the host application, with minimal setup required to integrate into a host app.

You will find the archived framework artifacts in the Frameworks directory. Unarchive the frameworks by extracting them and dragging them into your Xcode project.

Last updated