Import the SDK

Importing repository

We recommend specifying the GitHub credentials as environment variables rather than hard-coding the actual username and Personal Access Token (PAT) into the build file.

To create a GitHub Personal Access Token (PAT), follow the instructions here: Creating a personal access token. You only need the following scope: read:packages

☐ write:packages       Upload packages to GitHub Package Registry
    ☑ read:packages   Download packages from GitHub Package Registry

Using mavenLocal or your own repository

If you prefer not to access the binaries from you can install the SDK libraries in your own Maven repository, or using mavenLocal on your development machine.

To do so, copy the Maven files from the android-sdk/com/ folder tree.

Component Libraries

The IMS SDK is published as a set of library modules so that you can choose the features you wish to use. Each component has a specific task to perform.

  • tripdetectionumbrella: Trip detection and recording, upload, DriveSync server interaction Most applications use the SDK to detect and record trips. In this case only the tripdetectionumbrella module need be specified; it will automatically link in the required sub-modules.

    • distracteddriving: Add-on for providing distracted driving related events while trip recording. Trip scoring is enhanced by using the distracteddriving module, but this also requires special permissions so it is optional

  • portal: DriveSync server interaction, such as fetching resources and presenting them as native objects If your app displays DriveSync data but does not record trips you can specify the portal module instead of tripdetectionumbrella.

  • Devices: Add-ons for detecting Bluetooth and other devices. (Also see proguard in Obfuscation)

    • devices-wedge: Support for IMS Wedge plus all other BLE and Bluetooth device types

    • devices-ble-nordic: Support for BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) devices plus other Bluetooth device types

    • devices-bluetooth: Support for Bluetooth audio, headset, and paired data devices

For example, the SDK Sample App uses a full set of SDK features (SDK 1.16):

dependencies {
    implementation ''
    implementation ''
    implementation ''
    //Additional needed libraries
    implementation ''
    implementation '' //Only needed if using Awareness

The additional library binaries on Github are automatically pulled in as required.

Last updated