
SDK introduces WedgeService for automatic wedge associations.


Use the API to retrieve the array of associated wedges to a user. Returns associated wedges with callback.

To fetch the associated wedges, the following API can be used.

Concrete Example

let service = WedgeService()
service.fetchWedges(then: { result in
    switch result {
    case: .success(_)
        // successfully retrieved
    case: .failure(_)
        // failure error


The following API can be used to associate the wedge to a user. Returns an associated wedge with callback.


  • name: Wedge name

  • deviceId: Wedge unique identifier

  • vehicleId: Vehicle id

  • battery: Wedge battery level

  • firmware: Wedge firmware version

Concrete Example

let service = WedgeService()
service.associateWedge(name: String,
                       deviceId: String,
                       vehicleId: String,
                       battery: Int,
                       firmware: String) { result in
    switch result {
    case: .success(_)
        // successfully updated
    case: .failure(_)
        // failure error


To delete the associated wedge, the following API can be used.


  • deviceAssociationId: Association id which associates wedge to a user

To delete the associated wedge, first host app needs to retrieve the deviceAssociatioId provided when the fetch API call is made and need to provide the retrieved deviceAssociatioId as an argument to deleteWedge API

Concrete Example

let service = WedgeService()
service.deleteWedge(for deviceAssociatioId: String) { result in
    switch result {
    case: .success(_)
        // successfully updated
    case: .failure(_)
        // failure error


The following API can be used to update the wedge's battery and firmware. Returns the updated wedge with callback.


  • deviceAssociationId: Association id which associates wedge to a user

  • battery: Updated battery level

  • firmware: Updated firmware version

To update the wedge details, first host app needs to retrieve the deviceAssociatioId provided when the fetch API call is made and need to provide the retrieved deviceAssociatioId as an argument to updateWedge API

Concrete Example

let service = WedgeService()
service.updateWedge(for deviceAssociatioId: String, battery: Int, firmware: String) { result in
    switch result {
    case: .success(_)
        // successfully updated
    case: .failure(_)
        // failure error

Last updated