1.15.x -> 1.16

Upgrading to SDK 1.16

Breaking Changes

SDK Configuration

SDK 1.16 changes the way the SDK is configured and initialized.

In summary,

  1. Once the SDK is configured it automatically initializes itself using Android Initializers. There is no longer any need to initialize the SDK during Application.onCreate().

  2. The core SDK is controlled through the new ImsSdkManager using ImsSdkConfiguration.

  3. The trip manager DsTripManager is replaced with ImsTripManager using the new ImsTripConfiguration.

  4. Trip manager configuration now uses explicit configuration for detectors, validators, and telemetry.

Other Changes

  1. The scoring service no longer supports fetchDrivingSummaryAggregate

Migrating Your Code

Module Dependencies and Obfuscation

These changes apply only if your app is using Bluetooth devices

  1. Remove the dependency on the "provider-devices" module. This module is no longer available; the functionality is now part of trip detection.

  2. If you are using the IMS Wedge device, change the dependency on the "devices-ble-nordic" module to "devices-wedge".

If you are using distracted driving telemetry for trip recording, add the following additional line to the app's proguard-rules.pro:

-keep class com.intellimec.mobile.android.distracteddriving.DistractedDrivingRecordProvider

The class name for your custom token signer must not be obfuscated (see below):

-keep class [MyTokenSigner].** { *; }

If you are using the trip recorder, then the name of the trip notification factory must not be obfuscated (see below):

-keep class [MyNotificationFactory].** { *; }

SDK Configuration

Previous versions required the SDK to be configured and initialized during the Application.onCreate() method.

The following shows typical code from SDK 1.15:

// SDK 1.15
    Directories(File(application.filesDir, "sdk")),
    tokenSignerFactory = MyTokenSigner()

// The trip manager must be initialized every time the app starts.
// If trip detection is used this method MUST be called from Application.onCreate()
        .setTripTelemetry(TelemetryEvent.GPS, TelemetryEvent.SPEED)
// This must be called IMMEDIATELY after DsTripManager.initializeTripManager.
// This method does NOT initialize the file uploader, instead it sets the Identity callback.
// The application parameter is not used.
DsTripManager.initializeFileUploader(application, object : DsTripManager.DsIdentityCallback {
    override fun getIdentity(): Identity? {
        return authentication.getIdentity()
// Enable DsHeartbeat if you want to monitor the trip manager status independently of recorded trips
DsHeartbeat.startHeartbeat(context, identity, HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL)

Most of that code is used to configure the SDK and trip manager. The SDK now saves its configuration and automatically initializes itself from that saved configuration; the only requirement is that you initialize the SDK before using it.

We recommend configuring the SDK using an Initializer, such as with the SdkInitializer class in the sample app, but you can still do this during Application.onCreate() if desired.

The following 1.16 configuration code corresponds to the 1.15 version code above.

// SDK 1.16
if (!ImsSdkManager.isConfigured) {
    ImsSdkManager.setSdkConfiguration( context,
            .setSdkFolder(File(context.filesDir, "sdk"))

// The trip manager must be initialized before it's used
if (!ImsTripManager.isConfigured) {
            .setTripDetectors(TripDetector.ACTIVITY, TripDetector.GEOFENCE, TripDetector.DEVICE)
            .setTripValidators(TripValidator.PHONE, TripValidator.DEVICE)
            .setTripTelemetry(TripTelemetry.LOCATION, TripTelemetry.SPEED, TripTelemetry.DISTRACTED_DRIVING)

Note that some of the previous DsTripManager and DsHeartbeat methods have moved to ImsSdkConfiguration, and the trip manager configuration itself has changed.

The SDK no longer uses default detectors and validators when none are specified. If you were relying on the previous defaults you must now specify them explicitly.

  • Unless your app starts trip recording explicitly, you must specify at least one of GEOFENCE, ACTIVITY, and/or DEVICE, or else no trips will be recorded.

  • Unless your app stops trip recording explicitly, you must specify PHONE and/or DEVICE, or else no trips will be recorded.

The following section lists the old and new configuration parameters

The trip notification factory has changes to make the methods more explicit and to let the SDK create the class as required instead of requiring the app to initialize it every time.

Runtime Initialization

Depending on how you use the SDK, additional initialization may be required at runtime.

We recommend initializing the SDK using an Initializer, such as with the SdkInitializer class in the sample app, but you can still do this during Application.onCreate() if desired.

For example, the SDK sample app sets up a local log recorder and specifies supported Bluetooth devices, then sets up a trip manager status listener.

SDK 1.15
// SDK 1.15
// Sample file-based log writer
logFileWriter = ImsSdkLogFileWriter(DsLogLevel.DEBUG, File(application.filesDir, "drivesync/log"), 7, 100000L)

// Device support is optional. If you use it, register the supported device types here.
	listOf( HeadsetProfileProvider(), AudioProfileProvider(),
        WedgeProvider(Regex("^IMS-.*"), false) // Filter wedge devices by name

// The trip manager must be initialized every time the app starts.
// If trip detection is used this method MUST be called from Application.onCreate()
        // ...
        .setTripStatusListener(object : DsTripManager.TripStatusListener {
            override fun onTripStatusUpdate(tripStatus: DsTripStatus) {
                tripStatusData.value = tripStatus
                when (tripStatus.tripState) {
                    DsTripStatus.TripState.ENABLED -> {}
                    DsTripStatus.TripState.STARTED -> Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Trip Started.")
                    DsTripStatus.TripState.STOPPED -> Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Trip Ended.")
                    DsTripStatus.TripState.DISABLED -> {}

In SDK 1.16 the log listener is set using ImsSdk.addLogListener() and the trip manager listener through ImsTripManager.addTripStatusListener(). Device initialization has not changed.

SDK 1.16
// SDK 1.16
// The SDK log manager does not require any additional initialization. These examples show ways to integrate SDK logs with your app.
//ToDo You can add your own log listener. This example writes to local log files
logFileWriter = ImsSdkLogFileWriter(DsLogLevel.DEBUG, File(context.filesDir, "drivesync/log"), 7, 100000L)

// Device support is optional. If you use it, register the supported device types here.
	listOf( HeadsetProfileProvider(), AudioProfileProvider(),
        WedgeProvider(Regex("^IMS-.*"), autoConnect = false) // Filter wedge devices by name

// Listen for trip manager status updates
ImsTripManager.addTripStatusListener(object : ImsTripManager.TripStatusListener {
    override fun onTripStatusUpdate(tripStatus: ImsTripStatus) {
        tripStatusData.value = tripStatus
        when (tripStatus.tripState) {
            ImsTripStatus.TripState.ENABLED -> {}
            ImsTripStatus.TripState.STARTED -> Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Trip Started.")
            ImsTripStatus.TripState.STOPPED -> Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Trip Ended.")
            ImsTripStatus.TripState.DISABLED -> {}

Last updated