Breaking Changes
In 1.17 release, listed are the breaking changes
Removed interface Callback<T>
in favour of Kotlin lambda functions.
Removed interface ResultCallback<T>
in favour of Kotlin lambda functions.
Migrated interface MonitorCallbacks
to Kotlin which changes the way to access below members while inheriting/implementing the interface.
Migrating Your Code
Updating Callback interface with a lambda function
Remove the following imports
Copy import
Update the code to lambda
Copy // SDK 1.16
Callback < T >
// SDK 1.17
(T) -> Unit)
The following shows typical code from SDK 1.16
Copy // SDK 1.16
override var tripStatusCallback: Callback < Status >
tripStatusCallback. execute (Status. from (tdStatus))
Instead of Callback<Status>
we will pass a lambda function((Status) -> Unit)
The following is the migrated version of above code to SDK 1.17
Copy // SDK 1.17
override var tripStatusCallback: (( Status ) -> Unit )
tripStatusCallback (Status. from (tdStatus))
Basically swap Callback<Status>
with a lambda which takes a Status
type parameter and returns Unit
and remove the .execute
call and directly call the lambda.
You could also call the lambda like tripStatusCallback?.invoke(Status.from(tdStatus))
in case if callback is nullable. Below is the example for the same.
Copy // SDK 1.17
// The callback parameter is nullable
override var tripStatusCallback: Callback < Status >? = null
tripStatusCallback?. invoke (Status. from (tdStatus))
Updating ResultCallback interface with a lambda function
Remove the following imports
Copy import
Update the code to lambda
Copy // SDK 1.16
ResultCallback < T >
// SDK 1.17
(Result < T > ) -> Unit)
The following shows typical code from SDK 1.16
Copy // SDK 1.16
override fun sign (unsignedToken: String , callback: ResultCallback < String >) {
val components = unsignedToken. split ( "." )
if ((components.size != 2 ) || (privateKey == null )) {
callback. execute (Result. Failure ( Throwable ()))
} else {
val signedToken = Jwts. builder ()
. setHeaderParams ( decode (components[ 0 ]))
. setClaims ( decode (components[ 1 ]))
. signWith (SignatureAlgorithm.RS256, privateKey)
. compact ()
callback. execute (Result. Success (signedToken))
Instead of ResultCallback<String>
we will pass a lambda (Result<T>) -> Unit)
The following is the migrated version of above code to SDK 1.17
Copy // SDK 1.17
override fun sign (unsignedToken: String , callback: (( Result < String >) -> Unit )) {
val components = unsignedToken. split ( "." )
if ((components.size != 2 ) || (privateKey == null )) {
callback (Result. Failure ( Throwable ()))
} else {
val signedToken = Jwts. builder ()
. setHeaderParams ( decode (components[ 0 ]))
. setClaims ( decode (components[ 1 ]))
. signWith (SignatureAlgorithm.RS256, privateKey)
. compact ()
callback (Result. Success (signedToken))
Basically swap ResultCallback<String>
with a lambda which takes a Result<String>
type parameter and returns Unit
and remove the .execute
call and directly call the lambda.
You could also call the lambda like callback?.invoke(Result.Success(signedToken))
in case if callback is nullable. Below is the example for the same.
Copy // SDK 1.17
// The callback parameter is nullable
override fun sign (unsignedToken: String , callback: (( Result < String >) -> Unit )?) {
val components = unsignedToken. split ( "." )
if ((components.size != 2 ) || (privateKey == null )) {
callback?. invoke (Result. Failure ( Throwable ()))
} else {
val signedToken = Jwts. builder ()
. setHeaderParams ( decode (components[ 0 ]))
. setClaims ( decode (components[ 1 ]))
. signWith (SignatureAlgorithm.RS256, privateKey)
. compact ()
callback?. invoke (Result. Success (signedToken))
Accessing members from MonitorCallbacks
This only affects you, if you’re inheriting/implementing the MonitorCallbacks
If you are inheriting/implementing the interface MonitorCallbacks
, you won't be able to access the following members directly in the child class.
import the reference directly
Copy import
Access using
Copy MonitorCallbacks.CONFIDENCE_HIGH
The following shows typical code from SDK 1.16
Copy // SDK 1.16
internal class MotionMonitor : MonitorCallbacks {
// other overrides
fun detectMotion (confidence: Int ){
if (confidence == CONFIDENCE_HIGH){
// do something
The following is the migrated version of above code to SDK 1.17
Copy // SDK 1.17
internal class MotionMonitor : MonitorCallbacks {
// other overrides
fun detectMotion (confidence: Int ){
// accessing using import
if (confidence == CONFIDENCE_HIGH){
// do something
// accessing using interface name
else if (confidence == MonitorCallbacks.CONFIDENCE_MID){
// do something else
Last updated 9 months ago